Date: February 11, 2015
Author: Ken Walton, Murray District Golf Association

2015 Murray DGA Howlong Open

The MDGA Howlong Open was held on Sunday the 8th of February it was the first event in the new MDGA Drummond Golf 2015 – Golfer of the Year competition. This competition will be conducted over 12 events during 2015 in three categories: Scratch, Handicap & Juniors.

The Howlong Open had a capacity field, and sold out two weeks prior to the first round. 101 golfers took to the course on another hot summer day, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees by mid morning the golfers really had their work cut out for them. However this did not deter the stellar field, there were some fantastic scores.

Howlong's Brian Sheilds played off a handicap of 8 and won the A Grade division with a score of 40. Runner Up Garry Nolan from Leeton Golf Club played off 9 and had a score of 39. Men's B Grade was won by Thurgoona's Jackson Payne who played off 16 and won with a huge score of 45. Runner Up Eddie Fah from Howlong played off 10 and had a score of 38. Men's D Grade was won by Hill Top Golf Club's Brendan Ryan on a count back from Howlong's Stephen Donaghey with a score of 38.

Howlong Ladies Heather McCallum and Maureen Harris fought it out for the top spot, Heather won on a count back with a score of 36. Howlong's Ladies Vice Captain Glenda Hoskin played off a handicap of 9 and came in third place with a score of 35.

The Golfer of the year competition is open to all golfers from clubs affiliated to the MDGA. All open events can be entered with the payment of the entry fee by any golfer holding a GA handicap.

Golfer of the year points are given for attendance and competition performance. The golfer with the most points at the end of the competition, in each category will be the winner. Points are graded on event importance with the MDGA Championships attracting the highest points.

The winners and runner up in each category will share in a wide range of prizes including entry to the NSW Amateur with $250 travel expenses, entry to the Murray Masters and trophy vouchers from Drummonds Golf and the MDGA. The MDGA Sand course Championship will carry entry to the NSW Sand Greens Championship with $250 travel expenses.

The next MDGA Golfer of the Year Event will be held at Thurgoona golf Club on the 22nd March 2015.