Date: October 12, 2015

The MyGolf School Ambassador Program aims to support and recognise teachers for their commitment in promoting and delivering MyGolf School programs within their local school community.

By becoming a MyGolf School Ambassador, you will have exclusive access to a range of exciting resources such as the MyGolf Schools website resource page and the MyGolf Schools resource app for iPad. Both resources contain ACARA curriculum aligned coaching manuals and interactive game cards, as well as instructional videos to assist with your delivery of the program. 

Developed by Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia, the MyGolf School Coaching Resource App provides accredited Community Golf Instructors and teachers that are registered MyGolf School Ambassadors access to an interactive coaching tool to deliver MyGolf in schools.


To access these resources, you must be a registered School Ambassador. You can register/login at the top of this page. The app, designed for iPad use only, contains lesson plans, interactive videos of games and instructional teaching points along with program manuals for the MyGolf school program. Make sure you download it from the iTunes app store today! 

App Link

Additional to these fantastic resources, MyGolf School Ambassadors also receive on-going updates, program ideas, coaching tips and free rewards (includes polo shirts, backpacks and other fantastic prizes) when your school delivers a program, and you report on it.

NEW BENEFIT: Exclusive Equipment Access!

School Ambassadors will also have exclusive access to individual items through the MyGolf Online Store upon request to meet your needs when delivering Sporting Schools and MyGolf Schools programs. Once you have registered to become an amabssador and created an account through the Shop, please contact to activate this access.

To learn more about the School Ambassador program, please click here: Brochure Link

It’s free to join, so sign up now! Simply click on the register button above and complete the required registration form.

(Please note: You will receive your MyGolf School Ambassador reward once your school has delivered a MyGolf Schools or MyGolf Sporting Schools program and informed us of this by logging into this page and filling out the form. You will be eligible to receive a reward once per year, and if you report twice or more throughout a calendar year, you will be entered into the School Ambassador of the Year Draw which includes an all expenses paid trip to one of the major golf tournaments.)