9 hole golf Your time. Your choice. Want to play golf but don&apost have the time? Do you find it difficult to escape the office or juggle weekend family commitments? Would you like an introduction to the game that is less demanding?
Want to see your children take up the sport in a more conducive environment? then 9-hole is the answer for you. Play with friends or family in the morning before work, play with colleagues after work, slot a quick 9 in before the heat of the day on the weekend or enjoy the new challenges of 9 hole competition – at 9 hole, it&aposs your time, it&aposs your choice! 9 hole golf is a fun and easy way to enjoy our great game, which is less demanding physically and less challenging from a time perspective as well. Golf Australia and the Member States are pleased to formally endorse 9 hole golf as a legitimate form of our game, providing you greater opportunity to play competitive golf in a shorter time to suit your lifestyle. 9 hole golf is intended to complement the more traditional 18 hole form of the game, not replace it. The 9 hole concept recognises the increasing demands of our time-poor society and will provide a playing choice for the busy golfer. Through our formal endorsement, golf clubs are encouraged to offer officially handicapped 9 hole competitions. Check with your club now to see if 9 hole comps are on offer.