Updating & Viewing Scores.
- How do I upload my first score?
It is simple. Follow the directions that explain the way to calculate your first score. This is the only score that requires a slight adjustment if you have had more than 3 or 4 shots over par on relevant holes.This first score requires a total 18 hole score or the equivalent to a total 18 hole stroke score. Enter the date you played, enter the course total par and the course rating, then enter your total 18 hole score. Click submit and you are on your way.
- What if I have only played 9 holes for my first round score?
If you have only played 9 holes for your first round. Total your 9 hole score and then double it by the number of shots you shot over the par . For example if you hit 49 strokes on a par of 36 = 13 over par. Calculate your score to be 26 strokes over the 18 hole par (2×13 over par). i.e. Total par 72 plus 26 = 98. This is the first score you enter into the system.
- How do I upload my 2nd score and thereafter?
Click on enter new score and follow the prompts. With your 2nd score and for each score thereafter you can enter a total 18 hole score in stroke, stableford or par competition. Or you can enter your hole by hole scores for holes played between 9 to 18. Follow the prompts and submit your scores.
- When do i get my playing handicap?
Once your 3rd score is entered your handicap will move from a projected handicap to a playing handicap or an exact playing handicap.
- How do I upload my scores?
It is simple. Go to your log-in page and click on the Handicap tab, then Enter a Score. Enter the course details as requested, and then your total 18 hole score or if you have played less than 18 holes enter your scores hole-by-hole.
- Can I edit or delete my scores?
Yes you can but please note the system only allows you to edit or delete your most recently entered score. Click on your most recent round and the link that says Edit this round then edit the round accordingly. If you wish to delete a round you can only delete the most recently entered round score. Click on edit this round, then press delete this round. The round will then be deleted from your handicap history.
- Can I share my scores and handicap with someone else, or can I view someone else s scores or handicap?
Yes you can. If you know the person s membership number, simply enter this into the CLSGC handicap search and the person s handicap record will be displayed. Note that this will not include the member s personal details. You can also share your score and handicap through social mediums Facebook and Twitter once your score is saved.