Date: September 05, 2017

Social Golf Clubs

Social Golf Clubs are an important facet of the Golf Industry in South Australia. There are more than seventy Social Golf Clubs affiliated with Golf SA representing some 3,900 members. 

Establishing a Social Golf Club



Social Golf Clubs may be affiliated with Golf SA on such terms and conditions as the Board may decide from time to time (Golf SA Constitution Section 5 para 5.6 Affiliated Social Clubs, May 2015). Those terms and conditions are:


A Social Golf Club seeking affiliation should be incorporated under the SA Associations Act 1985 or be associated with an entity such as a sports, social club or service club or employer group that is incorporated or similar.

The purpose of incorporation is to provide non-commercial organisations, particularly community groups and clubs, a simple, inexpensive mechanism to gain an independent legal identity.

As a legal body in its own right, an incorporated association can:

> enter into & enforce contracts incl. the power to hold, acquire and deal with property,

> sue or be sued, and

> continue regardless of changes to membership

The existence of a separate legal entity means that the association bears liability for its acts. Briefly, this means that claims made against an association, either as debts or compensation for negligence, are answerable by the association and not the individual members.

Application to form a Social Golf Club affiliated with Golf SA Inc

When applying to become an Affiliate Member of Golf SA Inc. Golf SA requires a letter with the following information:

> Contact Details of the Club you want to form (form available here)

> The aims of the social golf club

> How many members you anticipate having

> Anything else that may support the application

The following documents are also essential and required with the application:

> Copy of Incorporation Certificate or evidence that it is associated with a body that is incorporated or similar

> Copy of the Club Constitution and By-Laws

The Application will then go to the Board of Golf SA and if approved Golf SA will start the process of obtaining the new Club a Golf Link number via Golflink for handicap establishment. Once that is in place, the club will be free to operate.

There is no fee/charge to establish a social golf club however in January annually you will receive an invoice from Golf SA for affiliation fees based on the number of individuals you have registered in the Club. > Affiliation Fees explained

Any queries please contact the Golf SA Office on 08 8267 1353