Date: September 25, 2018


Downloadable flyers/posters

• Click here for a flyer on the main changes
• Click here for a poster that sets out all of the key information a golfer needs to know to be ready when the new Rules take effect

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Download the new Rules app

• Click here to download the Rules of Golf App – iOS
• Click here to download the Rules of Golf App – Android

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R&A PowerPoint on new Rules – for presentation by club officials

• Click here to download the R&A presentation
• For those clubs wishing to provide information sessions to their members, this resource should be ideal – it has been designed specifically for presentation by club officials. It’s target audience is the average club golfer, and it does not assume the audience has much background knowledge on the Rules. It covers all of the key Rules that a club golfer should know – including Rules that have changed and Rules that haven’t.

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Online versions of the new Rules of Golf and Player’s Edition

• Click here to access the online version of the Player’s Edition
• Click here to access the Visual Search function which allows you to visually find the Rule that applies to your situation
• Click here to access the online version of the new Rules of Golf

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Interpretations on the Rules

Click here to access ‘Interpretations on the Rules’ (Interpretations is the new name for Decisions)

Interpretations are provided only for aspects of the Rules that are considered to require additional clarification. However, the vast majority of questions that arise on the course will be answerable solely by reference to the Rules of Golf and so it is recommended that a thorough review of the relevant Rule is undertaken before referring to the Interpretations for guidance.

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Committee Procedures

Click here to access the R&A’s ‘Committee Procedures’ online resource

Contains practical guidance for those involved in running day to day play at golf courses or running competitions at all levels of the game, and includes Model Local Rules that the Committee can adopt to meet local needs.

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Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities

Click here to access the R&A’s ‘Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities’

The Modified Rules allow a player with a disability to play fairly with players who have no disabilities, the same disability or different types of disabilities. The Modified Rules only apply if adopted by the Committee in charge of a competition.

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Guidance on updating your club scorecard Local Rules in preparation for 2019

  • Click here to access Golf Australia’s guidance on Local Rules that are now incorporated in the Rules of Golf, and terminology changes.
  • Click here to access The R&A's Local Rules creator application.
  • Policy Guidance for Autoscore Scorecards – Which Score to Count. 
Golf Australia is regularly asked questions about autoscore score cards. A common query is: "If two different scores are recorded for the same hole (e.g. the number '5' autoscore box is selected but a '4' has been written down) which score should count?" After discussion with The R&A, GA has produced the following statement to assist those clubs and competition organisers who use autoscore score cards. 

The R&A considers the use of ‘autoscore score cards’ to conform with the Rules of Golf. However, The R&A does not currently consider the Rules to stipulate which recorded individual hole score should count in the instance of a discrepancy between a written score and an entry in the autoscore section of the card. It is The R&A’s view that each individual Committee has the authority to make its own determination in this respect.  To assist Committees in making such a determination, Golf Australia recommends that the following policy be adopted by those Committees using autoscore score cards: If two different scores are recorded for the same hole (eg the number ‘5’ autoscore box is selected but a ‘4’ has been written down) the higher score will count. (If only a number is recorded, or only an autoscore box is selected, that number or autoscore selection will be the score to count.)"
Note:   This is only a recommendation. Each Committee is free to develop its own policy in this regard after taking into consideration all local circumstances. (For example, it is permissible for a Committee to adopt a policy deeming that only a recording in the autoscore section of the card will be accepted.)
  • For those clubs looking to use the alternative Local Rule to stroke & distance for a Lost Ball or a ball Out of Bounds. The following is an option to adopt on the scorecards in the following short-form:  
The Model Local Rule for Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds is in effect.  For full details, diagrams, and video, go to the following webpage –
  • New Special Rules for Sand Green Courses

Click here for the new Sand Green Special Rules 


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