Golf Australia is pleased to announce Golf Premier League has gone national, with the support of all state and territory golf associations.
Golf Australia endorses Golf Premier League because it significantly enhances value proposition of golf club membership in Australia.
Golf Premier League teams play in a league-style competition (such as the AFL or NRL) at their clubs, within their normal competition routine. Players book, pay and play in their club competitions and team members don’t need to play in the same group, so there is no disruption to member play. There’s also very little additional administration for club staff.
Golf Australia chief executive Stephen Pitt said: “Clubs already engaged in Golf Premier League have shown that it increases member engagement, frequency of play and retention, whilst generating additional food and beverage revenue for the club.
“We are delighted to join with Tony Craswell and his team to promote Golf Premier League and improve the health and viability of our clubs.”
Golf Premier League Director Tony Craswell said: “Golf Premier League has grown from a small product at Latrobe Golf Club in Melbourne to a product which is strengthening the health of clubs around the country.
“The success we have had at Latrobe, and at other Golf Premier League clubs, has been wonderful. We hope Golf Australia’s endorsement will see other clubs rewarded with the same positive outcomes.”
The benefits of Golf Premier League for clubs include:
• Increasing profitability, with members playing more regularly and socialising after rounds
• Reducing membership attrition and attracting new members
• Creating a club atmosphere characterised by camaraderie and enjoyment
• Transcending friendship groups and bridging age, gender and ability gaps across club membership bases
For participants, Golf Premier League helps:
• Ensure players are more motivated and have more fun on the golf course
• Discover a new ‘team spirit’ dimension within their golf experiences – players no longer play only for themselves
• Keep golfers engaged in their rounds right up until their last putts of the day, because every point they score could be the one that gets their team over the line on the day, or even the season
• Give club members the chance to experience ‘pride in the jumper’ and establish new bonds, friendships and rivalries
For further information about Golf Premier League, or to get your club involved, visit