Date: July 04, 2018
Author: Golf NSW

About Golf NSW

Golf NSW is the peak representative body for the sport in New South Wales. Our role is to encourage participation, fellowship, fair play, and the well-being of our member clubs and districts. Golf NSW manages fields as diverse as the Rules of Golf, Amateur Status, course ratings, handicapping, high performance, development, participation, competitions including inter-club, district, interstate tournaments, Men’s, Women’s State Amateur and Open Championships. Golf NSW also offers guidance to affiliated golf clubs and District Associations on various legal, financial, industrial, political and administrative issues as required to ensure that the wellbeing of the sport is maintained.


Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of New South Wales.


Royal Sydney Golf Club and The Australian Golf Club


Chairman: Mr Peter Mitchell

Deputy Chair: Ms Meralyn Fage

Chair of Finance: Ms Gemma Dooley


Ms Lyn Cooper
Ms Gemma Dooley
Ms Meralyn Fage
Mr Andrew Fraser
Mr Frank Gal
Mr Grant Harding
Ms Sally Kirkright
Mr Michael Medway
Mr Peter Mitchell
Mr Les Wallace




Governance & Planning


Ms Gemma Dooley (Chair)
Mr Michael Medway
Ms Sally Kirkright

Remuneration Committee
Ms Sally Kirkright
Mr Les Wallace
Ms Gemma Dooley

Mr Les Wallace (Chair)
Ms Lyn Cooper
Ms Sally Kirkright
Ms Meralyn Fage

Mr Michael Medway (Chair)
Mr Grant Harding
Mr Frank Gal
Mr Chris Allen
Ms Julie Preskett
Mr Peter Mitchell
Ms Lyn Cooper

GA Council Delegates

JNJG Board Representatives

NSW Golf Foundation Representatives

Ms Gemma Dooley
Ms Sally Kirkright
Mr Peter Mitchell


Mr Michael Medway
Mr Peter Mitchell
Mr Stuart Fraser

Mr Peter Mitchell
Mr Les Wallace
Ms Meralyn Fage
Ms Lyn Cooper
Mr Grant Harding



Mr Chris Allen
Mr Brian Barnes
Mrs Patricia Bridges OBE*
Mr John Buckley
Mr Ian Chomley
Mr Lionel Clark
Mr Stuart Cox
Mrs Sue Fabian
Mr Ian Fraser
Mr Anthony Gresham OAM
Mr John Higson
Mr Kevin James*
Mr Eric Kime
Mr Alex Mercer
Mr Bruce Nairn OAM
Mr Kevin Owens
Mr Geoffrey Simmons
Mr Ray Vize
Mr John Waanders
Ms Marjorie Askew
Mrs Leonie Busch
Mrs Frances Crampton AM   
Mrs Lilith Golan
Mrs Carol Humphreys
Mr Herb James
Mr Gary Linford
Mrs Helen Lowe
Mrs Helen Mayman
Mrs Mim McCutcheon
Mrs Didy McLaurin
Mrs Joan O'Connell
Mrs Sue Ross
Mrs Mollie Sutherland
Mrs Barbara Uttley
Ms Jeannie Walker


* Deceased


Mr Peter Budden
Mr Gerry Bush
Ms Kaye Dalton
Mr Matt Green
Mr Richard Harvey
Mr Peter Ipkendanz

Mr Michael Lane
Ms Raj Narayan
Ms Kerrie O'Connell
Mr Brian Ollerton
Ms Elsie Pathmanathan
Ms Julie Preskett

Mr Josh Prowse
Ms Tegan Purcell
Mr Lalendra Sharma
Ms Valerie Smith
Mr Peter Summers
Mr Peter Wildblood