Date: June 23, 2011

ADF team completes resounding victory at Gailes

The Australian Defence Forces had a resounding victory winning the annual match versus the Golf Australia Senior Team. Played in the true spirit of golf at Gailes Golf Club in Brisbane on 20 and 21 June, the ADF Team defeated the GA Senior Team of Bob Angus (NSW), Graham Bowen (WA), Alan Bullas (VIC), David Edwards (NSW), Chris Everett (SA), Pat Giles (VIC), Tony Gover (ACT), Ken Glasson (QLD), Tony Mazzone (SA), Dave Morrison (NSW), Michael Peeck (QLD), and Joe Scopacasa (SA) by 17 matches to 6 matches over Four-ball, Foursomes and Singles Match Play. The first day commenced with the six Four-ball matches, with the ADF taking the lead 4 matches to 2. Many of the matches were close, with four of the six matches finishing on the last or second last hole. The afternoon Foursomes matches also went the way of the ADF team, with the armed forces winning five of the six contests to take a 9-3 lead into the singles matches on day two. The ADF s relentless golf continued on day two, with it winning 8 of the 12 matches on offer, and squaring a ninth match. In a well beaten team Alan Bullas (Victoria) and Mike Peeck (Queensland) were GA s best performers with two wins each. Queenslander Ken Glasson was 4 under at match end in his singles match. West Australian Graham Bowen showed true team spirit as he battled through a bad migraine during his game. Veteran Victorian Pat Giles announced his retirement from the ADF matches having been the only player to play all 5 to date for the Golf Australia Senior Team. The 2011 competition was the first victory for the ADF team. In the four previous years, the first two years in 2007 and 2008 resulted in thrilling 12-12 ties, with the GA Senior Team then winning in 2009 and 2010. Final Results: ADF Team beat GA Senior Team 17 matches to 6 matches Day 1 Four-Ball: T. Gover & A. Bullas beat D. Schwartz & J. Pitt 2&1; D. Morrison & K. Glasson lost to D. Whitehead & A. Greenwood 1up, M. Peeck & C. Everett lost to T. Fortescue & K. Johanson 4&3, G. Bowen & R. Angus lost to B. Creek & R. Smylie 4&3, P. Giles & D. Edwards lost to D. Bell & D. Cartwright 2&1, T. Mazzone & J. Scopasca beat D. Sgalippa & S. Smith 1up. Day 1 Foursomes: K. Glasson & G. Bowen lost to D. Schwarz & A. Greenwood 1up, T. Gover & D. Morrison lost to D. Whitehead & J. Pitt 1up, A. Bullas & M. Peeck beat 3&1, C, Everett & J. Scopasca lost to D. Bell & S. Smith 3&2, P. Giles & T. Mazzone lost to K. Johanson & R. Smylie 5&4, D. Edwards & R. Angus lost to D. Cartwright & D. Sgalippa 2&1. Day 2 Singles: B Angus lost to Scott Smith 3&2; Pat Giles lost to Dean Cartwright 3&2, David Edwards lost to Tim Fortescue 6&4, Tony Mazzone lost to Darrell Bell 2&1, Chris Everett squared Jamie Pitt, Joe Scopacasa lost to Brendon Creek 1up, Graham Bowen lost to Kim Johansen 3&2, Mike Peeck beat Tony Greenwood 6&5, Ken Glasson beat Rod Smylie 6&4, Alan Bullas lost to Darrell Whitehead 5&3, Tony Gover lost to David Schwarz 1up, Dave Morrison beat Dan Sqalippa 3&1