Date: May 09, 2013
Author: Golf Australia

ADF Team too strong for GA Team at National

The ADF team has proven too strong for the Golf Australia Team with a 14 matches to 10 win in the annual competition which was played at The National Golf Club (Old Course) on 6 and 7 May. The ADF side, with a combined handicap of plus 6, used their long hitting and strength to their advantage on the challenging Old Course at The National. The Golf Australia Seniors however didn t go down without a fight, winning the singles matches 6 to 5 . This annual two-day event comprises of six fourball matches, six foursome matches and twelve singles matches. After seven years of competition, the result now stands at GA Senior 2 wins, ADF 3 wins and two series drawn. Special congratulations must go to Team Captain, Adrian Barr for organising this wonderful event and to the ADF boys for their comradeship during the event. During the formal dinner each of the ADF team members stood up and gave a short account of their role in the ADF. It really showed the civilians the diversity of careers within the ADF and all were left with nothing but respect for the ADF representatives. OVERALL RESULT: ADFGA 14 MATCHES BEAT GA 10 MATCHES 6th May AM: Fourball: GA 1 lost to ADF 4 G Stanford & R Burford lost to R Smylie & A Ezergallis 3&1 M Peek & C Gordon defeated D Whitehead & S Harkiss 5&4 R Rogers & K Thornley lost to B Creek & S Page 2&1 D Edwards & D McDonald lost to A Shearing & T Greenwood 5&4 D Taylor & J Wheeler lost to S Rotherham & J Pitt 2&1 G Welch & A Barr squared with B Edmunds & N Jago 6th May PM: Foursomes: GA 2 lost to ADF 4 D Taylor & M Peek lost to D Whitehead & A Ezergallis 1 up J Wheeler & G Welch defeated A Shearing & S Page 3&2 G Stanford & C Gordon lost to B Creek & R Smylie 2&1 R Burford & K Thornley lost to B Edmunds & T Greenwood 1 up D McDonald & R Rogers defeated S Rotherham & N Jago 3&2 D Edwards & A Barr lost to J Pitt & S Harkiss 3&2 7th May: Singles: GA 6 defeated ADF 5 C Gordon lost to A Ezergallis 5&4 D McDonald lost to S Rotherham 3&2 D Taylor defeated A Shearing 3&2 G Stanford squared with C Creek M Peek lost to B Edmunds 1 up A Barr lost to J Pitt 5&4 J Wheeler squared with R Smylie D Edwards defeated T Greenwood I up R Rogers defeated D Whitehead I up R Burford defeated S Harkiss 7&6 K Thornley squared with S Page G Welch defeated N Jago 6&5