Date: October 14, 2008

Australian course design may lure Tiger: Ogilvy

Former US Open champion Geoff Ogilvy has revealed Tiger Woods&apos growing passion for golf course design may be Australia&aposs best hope of luring the world&aposs greatest player to our shores. Speaking on Tuesday at the launch of the Australian Open – where he will share top billing at Royal Sydney with five-time Ryder Cup representative Darren Clarke and locals Robert Allenby, Adam Scott and Stuart Appleby Ogilvy expressed optimism when asked whether Woods would venture Down Under. And it may be the country&aposs finest golf courses along with a hefty appearance fee that may convince the game&aposs biggest name to play in Australia. “He (Woods) is right into his course design and it&aposs pretty well known the courses in Australia are some of the best in the world and he has made public statements about how much he likes those courses and how much he&aposd like his courses to be like those,” Ogilvy explained. “We&aposve got something going for us over other countries because he will want to come study them and look at them and see how he wants to apply them to his golf courses.” “Nothing is impossible with encouragement. It&aposs possible with the right package.” “It will take appearance fees but I don&apost know the economics of whether we could afford it or not.” “I don&apost even know what he would ask for but I know it&aposs a lot.” But Ogilvy added a disclaimer, declaring Woods&apos itinerary will be even more selective once he returns from the knee surgery that has kept him off the fairways since June. “He&aposs going to have to start looking after his body more,” Ogilvy offered. “Twenty-hour plane trips are going to be looked at more seriously than before.” “He doesn&apost play that many tournaments and he might play less than he used to because he&aposs got to look after his body.” As for Woods&apos enforced absence from the PGA Tour, Ogilvy admitted with a grin: “It&aposs fun when he&aposs around but it&aposs also fun when he&aposs not around.” “The atmosphere is different when he doesn&apost play.” “He brings in non-golfers to golf tournaments so probably less are coming when he doesn&apost play.” “He definitely adds to a tournament. When you play a golf tournament and he&aposs there, there&aposs something cooler about it.” “It&aposs pretty hard to describe the atmosphere this year in the US Open the last nine holes unless you were there.” “Only one guy can create that and I&aposm sure that&aposs what it was like when Arnold (Palmer) was doing his thing.” “It&aposs pretty amazing. He will be back probably better than he was before.”