Date: March 28, 2014

Australian Defence Force impressive at Sorrento

The classical Sorrento Golf Club was the venue for this year’s version of the annual Golf Victoria Seniors Vs Australian Defence Forces Golf Association event.

The event was staged over two days with a Presidents/Ryder Cup style format.  Twelve players from each side play 4BBB in the morning and Foursomes in the afternoon of day 1.  This is followed by 12 singles matches on day 2.

Final Results

Starting the day with only one point between them had both sides brimming with confidence going into the final 12 singles matches.  The ADF boys were confident that they could pick up a win for their third victory in a row but the Vic Seniors were just as determined to try to break their run and the promise of a close competition was mouth watering.

For the first part of the day the closeness of the competition was borne out when going through nine holes the Seniors led 7 matches, the ADF 3 with 2 matches square.  However, the ADF players then went into another gear and stormed home to win 10 matches and square 1.   Alan Bullas was the only winner for the Vic Seniors team whilst Ken O’Brien picked up a half.

The final result for the competition was ADF 17 defeating GV Seniors 7.

The Paul Lulofs Medal presented for excellence across the two days of competition went to Flight Lieutenant Darryl Bell of the ADF who was recognised for not only being undefeated but also for his contribution to this event over many years.

Please click here to player results and photos