Date: April 19, 2007
Author: Alistair Hogg

Australian PGA unveils new national office

By Alistair Hogg Five-time British Open champion Peter Thomson was given the honour of officially opening the Australian PGA&aposs new national office at Sandhurst Golf Club in Melbourne today. The PGA life member was delighted to cut the ribbon which marks a new chapter in the life of the Australian PGA. Thomson was President of the organisation for 30-years and its move to Melbourne obviously meant a lot to the man that has done so much for Australian golf both on, and off the course. “It&aposs a day that almost brings a tear to my eye,” he said. “Everyone among us would feel proud this has happened.” The PGA was previously based at Crows Nest in Sydney and spent most of the summer relocating to the Sandhurst Club in south-east Melbourne. “It&aposs an enormous step for the PGA,” Thomson said. “But it&aposs a sensible step to locate a golf club. I know the PGA has wanted to have its own championship course and this one is it.” The Sandhurst Club boasts two par-72 layouts, the North Course and the Champions Course which was designed specifically by Thomson Perrett to recognise Australian golfing greats. Each hole has been dedicated to a player and this is honoured by a plaque at each tee acknowledging the skills and attributes of our nation&aposs best. As well as the golfing facilities, the PGA has a purpose built administration office at the club which has been designed to cater not only for the short-term, but also for the next 20-years as the expected expansion of the organisation takes place. Thomson was practically glowing with pride as he made note of the independent nature of the project. “All this was done without one cent of government money,” he said. “All this has been done without outside support and I&aposm particularly proud of that. All this is a dream come true for me.” “There are times I thought it would never happen, but I think great things are yet to come and they will happen right here.” As well as acting as the PGA&aposs administration and communications hub, the facility houses a state of the art practice and development centre which will help foster and encourage the great players of tomorrow. It is an all-encompassing golfing resource located at a world-class facility. In his closing statement, Thomson expressed his admiration for the Australian PGA&aposs new home and gave it a glowing tick of approval. “I&aposve been to the home of the American and the British PGA and I think they come a distant second to what we&aposve got.”