This page provides information about the major international team events which Australia contests, and includes information on Australian Team Members, Australia&aposs finishing position, and host venues. WORLD AMATEUR TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The World Amateur Team Championships was founded in 1958 and is a biennial event run by the International Golf Federation in conjunction with the host nation&aposs governing body of golf. Over 100 men&aposs and women&aposs teams come from all over the world to compete for the Eisenhower Trophy (men) and the Espirito Santo Trophy (women) in one of three different zones: Asia/Pacific, European/African and American. Each team, which has two or three players, plays 18 holes of stroke play for four days. In each round, the total of the two lowest scores from each team constitutes the team score for the round. The four-day (72-hole) total is the team s score for the championship. The winning team receives custody of their respective trophy for the ensuing two years. The IGF is the recognised international federation for golf for the International Olympic Committee and was founded to encourage the international development of the game and to employ golf as a vehicle to foster friendship and sportsmanship. Click here for the official site of the International Golf Federation and World Amateur Team Championships WOMEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP – ESPIRITO SANTO TROPHY Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results MEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP – EISENHOWER TROPHY Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results ASIA-PACIFIC TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS WOMEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP – QUEEN SIRIKIT CUP The Queen Sirikit Cup is recognised as the official women’s tournament in The Asia-Pacific. The Queen Sirikit Cup is a silver handcrafted masterpiece donated by Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand in 1979 to Mom Kob Kaew Abhakara, then the President of Thailand Ladies Golf Association. The championship is hosted annually on a rotation basis among 14 invited member countries with the objectives to promote the standard of ladies golf in the region and to promote goodwill and friendship among participating teams. Each country is represented by 2-3 national team players who compete in the 54-holes stroke play over 3 rounds. The best two scores are counted each round as the team s score. The team with the lowest combined gross scores over 3 rounds is the winner. Click here for the official site of the Queen Sirikit Cup Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results MEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP – NOMURA CUP The Asia-Pacific Team Championship is conducted by the Asia-Pacific Golf Confederation and is a biennial competition rotated among the Asia-Pacific region. Each team, which consists of four male players, plays 18 holes of stroke play for four days. In each round, the total of the scores from each team constitutes the team score for the round. The four-day (72-hole) total is the team s score for the championship. The winning team receives the Nomura Cup, which was named after Shun Nomura, the former Vice-President of the Japan Golf Association who donated the Cup. Click here for the official site of the Asia-Pacific Golf Confederation Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results TRANS TASMAN CUP The Trans Tasman Cup is a yearly event contested between Australia and New Zealand. It is played in four categories – Open Men&aposs for the Sloan Morpeth Trophy, Open Women&aposs for the Tasman Cup, Boys&apos for the Clare Higson Trophy, and Girls&apos for the Junior Tasman Cup. It is played as Foursomes and Singles Match Play, and each category contains four players. WOMEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP Open Women&aposs (Tasman Cup): Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results Girls&apos (Junior Tasman Cup): Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results MEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIP Open Men&aposs (Sloan Morpeth Trophy): Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results Boys&apos (Clare Higson Trophy): Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results OTHER WOMEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIPS COMMONWEALTH TROPHY The Commonwealth Trophy is held once every four years between teams from Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand and South Africa. It originated when two Australian Ladies Golf Union delegates (Miss Jean Derrin and Miss Mollie McLeish) suggested to the Ladies Golf Union that a tournament should be conducted within the Commonwealth. The idea was first accepted by the LGU, and later by three other countries Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, when they were approached in 1957. Each country is represented by 5 national team players over aggregate stroke play. Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results SPIRIT INTERNATIONAL The Spirit International is a biennial event that alternates years with the World Amateur Team Championships. The host organisations are the World Health & Golf Association and the Texas Golf Association, a USGA regional golf association. The event is played over 72 holes of best ball competition and the women’s section comprises two players. Click here for the official site of Spirit International Golf Championship Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results OTHER MEN&aposS CHAMPIONSHIPS FOUR NATIONS CUP The Four Nations Cup is held once every two years and takes the form of a series of contests between Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand. Each nation plays each other once in foursome matches and singles matches. Each Team consists of six male players. The event was played as the Pacific Teams Championship until 1997. Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results SOUTHERN CROSS CUP The Southern Cross Cup is held once every two years and takes the form of a series of contests between Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Each nation plays each other once in foursomes matches and singles matches. Each Team consists of four male players. Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results TOYOTA WORLD JUNIOR TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIP TOYOTA Junior Golf World Cup, supported by JAL is the world s only junior golf championship in which 16 national teams, winners of regional qualifiers held across 6 continents and participated by more than 60 national teams, compete for the world champion trophy. Teams consist of four boys (aged 18 years or under) and play 72 holes stroke play with the best three scores recorded. Click here to view the Australian Representatives and Results