Have you noticed any rapidly dying pine trees in your local area?
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSWDPI) needs your help to find dead and dying pine (Pinus) trees across New South Wales.
An infestation of an exotic pine nematode was discovered in the wood of a single dying pine tree in Sydney in March 2016. Damage caused by pine nematodes can lead to rapid tree wilt and death.
The NSWDPI is conducting surveillance of pine trees across New South Wales to identify any further infestations. This pest poses a serious threat to Australia's softwood plantation forest industry and the Department is asking for the assistance of all land managers across the State to look at pine trees in their local area and report their observations back to us.
For details on pine nematodes and how you can contribute to this surveillance program, visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/plant/pine-nematodes where you will find information pamphlets for guidance and pine tree health reporting sheets.
Reporting sheets can be downloaded HERE.
Completed pine tree health reporting sheets can be emailed to biosecurity@dpi.nsw.gov.au
or sent to:
'Plant Biosecurity Officer – Industry, Plant Biosecurity,
NSW Department of Primary Industries,
Locked Bag 21,
Orange NSW 2800.