Date: August 13, 2007

Boland soaks up Games atmosphere

We have now had a good chance to look at the course – well at least the practice facilities. It is now just two days before we start, so we will have a practice rounds both tomorrow and the next day. The course itself looks pretty good, however the greens are very slow. They are punctured by random pot holes that are covered in grass, but give way underfoot. We will be sure to keep you posted on the condition of the course over the next few days! The athlete&aposs village is unbelievable! Over 10,000 of the world&aposs best athletes are here! Suzie Ballard (gold medallist shooter), Patrick Johnson (Olympic runner) and Peter Fortune (Cathy Freeman&aposs coach) are here with us as part of the Australian team management. The Australian shooters are rooming with Stace and I, so this afternoon I was able to watch Amanda Holt make the finals and finish fifth over all which was very impressive. I also had a chance to see a bit of the action at the athletics. At the begining of the day, the Aussies were coming 20th, however I watched Adam Miller bring home gold in the 400 metres, so that should bring us up the ladder a little! The more I speak to these guys, the more one realises how our respective sports share similar characteristics. Anyway, I&aposm of to bed. We have another early start for us tomorrow and the heat and humidity takes a toll! Julia