Date: August 30, 2017
Author: Tony Durkin

Brisbane in historic Pennants win

The Brisbane Golf Club has clinched a historic win – victory in the Brisbane District Golf Association Division One Pennants for the first time in almost eight decades.

But not only is the win momentous in that respect, it is also significant in the fact that the club was promoted to Division One only this year, for the first time since 2000. Previous to that they were in Division One just once before –in 1980. Both times the club was relegated after just one year in the top grade.

On Sunday in the final, hosted by the eventual champions, they beat Keperra Golf Club 13-8 to clinch the title. But not content with that overall team victory, BGC also registered BDGA wins in the Masters and Juniors divisions.

“This has been a wonderful effort from our teams considering they have progressed from Division Three to Division One in just three years, and taken out the major trophy,” said a proud BGC president, John Kelly.

“What has really impressed me is the manner in which the entire club has been behind our players, supporting them right to the finish line. And I believe the mateship and camaraderie displayed truly defines our great club.

“While the Pennants victory may be historic, and means so much to so many, the stimulus it has generated adds yet another milestone to our recent journey of progress and success.”
The last time Brianne saluted the judge in Division One Pennants was 87 years ago, in 1940.

Teams contesting the BDGA Pennants competition consist of 21 players – five Juniors under 18 years of age, five Masters over 50 and 11 Opens, who can be of any age.

And while the effort of all contributing players was significant in what was an outstanding year, the stand-out performance came from Club Captain, Stephen Deane, who played in every round and was unbeaten in the Masters Division. He first played Pennants for BGC as a junior in 1980 and in recent years, as Club Captain, has taken the club from the verge of relegation to Division Four in 2014, to winning Division One.

Members of the successful BGC Pennants team in 2017 were:
Opens – Scott Bretherton, Kurt Carlson, Jacob Clarke, Lewis Clelland, Stephen Cox, Tom Deane, Louis Dobbelaar, Simon Dougan-Jones, Eugene Estella, Lawry Flynn, Jordan Lett, Tim Lukin, Phil Lynem, Joel Negline, and Ilija Soldan.

Masters – Gary Brodie, Stephen Deane, Rick Devonport, Brett Kinninmont, Warwick Oxenford and Nick Woodley.

Juniors – Katio Chiu, Dylan Barraclough, Jordan Hampson, Bailey Ittensohn, James Sammut, Sam Slater, Ben Stieler and Matthew Van Eden.