Date: July 03, 2007

Call to Clubs � Junior Coordinators Handbook Information

Golf Australia has recognised the importance of juniors in the long term future of golf in Australia. After holding the Australian Junior Golf Forum in February, where stakeholders gathered to create a long term plan for junior golf, Golf Australia created the Australian Junior Golf Advisory Board to guide junior golf and implement the Australian junior golf strategy. Based on feedback from these initiatives, Golf Australia will be producing a handbook for golf clubs and junior coordinators that provides information regarding the operation of a junior golf program at a club or facility. This resource will be developed throughout 2007 and will provide information regarding topics such as recruitment and retention, creating a welcoming environment, legal obligations, working with schools, membership, rules/etiquette, handicapping/competitions, and participation pathways. This information may be presented in the form of case studies, research, best practice examples and articles written by experts. It is anticipated that this resource will be distributed in a folder with the capability of adding inserts when new information becomes available. New sections will be available as a free download from the Golf Australia website. To begin the process, we would like to find out what information may already be in place in clubs throughout Australia. If your club has a resource, website, policy or document that provides information regarding the operation of a junior program that may be useful and you would like to share, Golf Australia would like to see it. Please email, post or fax your resource to the details below. All information is welcome and is greatly appreciated. Please indicate if you would like your resource returned to you. Attn: Junior Golf Development Officer C/-: Golf Australia Email: Post: Level 3, 95 Coventry St. SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 Fax: (03) 9626 5095 Collected information will form the basis of the handbook however should any information be directly included, permission will first be requested from the club/author with an acknowledgement provided. This resource will provide valuable ongoing information to all people involved in promoting and delivering junior golf. If you have any questions regarding this resource, please feel free to contact Golf Australia&aposs Junior Golf Development Officer on Ph: (03) 9626 5050