Date: March 20, 2014
Author: Golf NSW

Cancer Council NSW urges men over 50 to Protect

Cancer Council NSW urges men over 50 to Protect. Check. See your GP Skin cancer is Australia s national cancer and despite decades of sun protection advice, men are still putting their lives in danger by not acting on the fact that too much sun, or not keeping watch for any changes to their skin, can be deadly. Cancer Council s new campaign is targeting men aged 50 and over as new data on men’s attitudes towards sun protection and sun damage are released. NSW men over the age of 50 are three times as likely to die from melanoma as women of similar age and the new data reveal that over half of men in NSW over the age of 50 are not aware of the high risk associated with skin cancer among their age group, and more than a quarter (26%) believe it s already too late to take action to reduce their skin cancer risk. The latest research also shows that almost half (48%) of men in this age-group are not worried about developing skin cancer but two out of three Australian men will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. Cancer Council wants men to Protect. Check. See your GP when it comes to skin cancer prevention and early detection. Protect

  • Slip on clothing that covers your shoulders, arms and legs. Choose shirts with collars, high necks and sleeves and trousers or longer shorts that come below the knees.
  • Slop on SPF30+ or higher broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen. Apply generously 20 minutes before going outside and re-apply every 2 hours. Never rely on sunscreen alone.
  • Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that protects your face, ears and neck. Broad-brimmed, bucket and legionnaire style hats provide good protection. Baseball caps are not recommended, as they do not protect the ears, cheeks or neck.
  • Slide on sunglasses that meet Australian Standard AS1067 and that fit your face well.
  • Seek shade whenever you can especially when UV levels are highest between 10am and 2pm (11am and 3pm during daylight saving).

Check Get to know your own skin It’s important to get to know your own skin. We all have moles, birthmarks, freckles and blemishes. Be familiar with what s already there and it s more likely you will notice something new or different. Look out for:

  • Any new spot, lump or unusual freckle, mole, sun spot or sore that wasn t there before and/or doesn’t heal.
  • A spot that looks different from other spots around it.
  • A spot that has changed colour, size or shape over a few weeks or months, has an irregular border, or becomes itchy or bleeds.

If you notice anything new or unusual, see your GP straight away. See your GP Talk to you GP about your personal risk factors for melanoma and other skin cancers. Everybody s risk factors are different and will depend, among other things, on your skin type, the amount and type of sun exposure you have and your family history of skin cancer. Your GP can discuss your risk factors, check your skin and advise you about sun protection. Visit for more information or contact Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20.