Date: March 27, 2013
Author: Cathleen Santoso

Cathleen Santoso: Why I chose the path of College Golf

Who knew that the whole attending college, while playing golf, concept evolved through watching American TV shows and movies? At the age of 14 I had my eyes in front of the TV more than one should, but it assisted me in researching what college is all about. I typed into Google “college golf” and thousands of results had popped up. There were many different schools that succeeded in each of their own areas and it was my task to find the perfect school for me, both for my golf and academically. Many people ask me why I would want to study instead of just turning professional and moving into the pro touring ranks? Of course that is the life but personally I also enjoy learning new things and college could provide that opportunity. The idea of being able to practice golf almost every day and playing tournaments against some of the best other schools while digging into the school books really enticed me as it allows me to do what I love while achieving a degree on the side (it s definitely why my parents approve, a back-up is essential for any athlete!). At college I will be staying on campus which is another aspect which is different to university in Australia. Being able to stay on campus will allow me to meet a ton of new friends, whether they are fellow athletes or just other students. College in the states has many great facilities which include football / basketball stadiums, gym equipment, swimming pools and much more, all built with high standards for its students. Australian universities do not offer any sports scholarships nor do they have the facilities of class to advance athletes in their sport within its campus. I have committed to the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon – the state above California on the west coast of the USA. Words cannot express the excitement I have and the countdown is on for the 7th September 2013. When I took an official visit to their campus while playing in the United States last year, the atmosphere surrounding this college was just unbelievable. I had a tough decision and an array of other schools to choose from but I found the most positive factors lay with Oregon. The facilities on campus and golf courses available to practice on alongside the academic studies, really suited me individually. College golf provides many new opportunities that one could only dream of having here in Australia. Even though I haven&apost begun yet, I know in a few more months down the track I will report back with positive messages and experiences about the whole college life! GO DUCKS!