Date: June 15, 2017

Child Safety Standards

Golf Victoria recognises that children of all abilities and backgrounds need our full care and attention. As such, Golf Victoria is committed to the protection and safety of all children. We will always strive to protect the welfare of children involved in the sport of golf by creating, implementing and complying with all measures set out in Golf Australia's Member Protection Policy.

In recognising the need for an emphasis to be placed on the safety of children in golf, Golf Victoria is committed to:

(a) ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children who participate in Golf Victoria's activities and ensuring that their experiences within golf in Victoria are positive;
(b) ensuring children are empowered and know what behaviour is and is not acceptable;
(c) ensuring children know how to report (and where to report) an incident and feel empowered to do so if they are either subject to, or become aware of, potential abuse or misconduct;
(d) prioritising and addressing the concerns of children in relation to their safety;
(e) undertaking thorough screening processes to reduce the risk of people with improper motives being involved in Golf Victoria's activities.
(f) communicating openly with parents of children and always ensuring safety of children is paramount; and
(g) remaining vigilant to ensure best practice standards in relation to child safety are utilised in delivering Golf Victoria's services and activities.

Golf Victoria will, in addition to the above, also take reasonable steps to promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds as well as promoting the safety of children with a disability.

Below are links to documents relating to the Child Safety Standards: 

Child Safety Standards – What are they?

Child Safe Policy Template Club

Child Safe Code of Conduct Template 

Tipsheet: Safety of children with a disability

Tipsheet: Cultural safety for Aboriginal children

Tipsheet: Empowerment and participation of children

Tipsheet: Safety of children from culturally and lingustically diverse backgrounds

Golf Australia Member Protection Policy

For further information, please visit

Finally, the Victorian Government recently introduced new laws to better protect Victorian children by strengthening Working with Children Checks. The Working with Children Amendment Bill 2016 makes the application process more rigorous, addressing five key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Further information on the Working with Children Checks can be found here

For any enquiries, please contact The Commission for Children and Young People on 03 8601 5281 or email

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