Date: September 15, 2016
Author: Churchill Park GC and Waverley GC

Churchill Park Golf Club and Waverley Golf Club merger announcement

The members of Churchill Park Golf Club and Waverley Golf Club last night voted to merge their two clubs into one entity, to be known as Churchill – Waverley Golf and Bowls Club Limited, with the intention to consolidate onto the current Churchill Park land in Churchill Park Drive, Endeavour Hills. 

The Clubs held separate Special General Meetings last night where both groups of members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the merger, marking an historic moment and milestone in the history of both clubs. 

“This merger is the culmination of extensive work by our clubs exploring options to secure our long- term future,” says Mr Geoff Ellis, President of Churchill Park Golf Club. 

“Both of our clubs have suffered for some time from the oversupply of golf courses in Melbourne, however, we both have committed and passionate member groups and we are confident the merger will allow existing and new members to be part of a competitive and exciting club for many years to come.” 

This sentiment was supported by President of Waverley Golf Club Mr Roland Nicholson, who highlighted some of the future plans for the new club and talked of the thorough process of analysis and planning both clubs completed prior to the decision. 

“The merger provides the foundation for a long-term sustainable vibrant club,” says Mr Nicholson. 

“We can now look forward to quality golf, bowls and leisure facilities underpinned by a diverse community business model.” 

The new Board will set upon delivering the vision for a premium, family-friendly sporting club and community precinct in Melbourne’s southeast, which will set new standards in leisure activities and affordability. 

Mr Simon Brookhouse, CEO of Golf Victoria commented: “It is very pleasing to see two of our member clubs effect a merger of equals with such professionalism. Golf is an important part of Melbourne, being one of the world’s most liveable cities and, like all parts of our community, the golf sector faces continual change. This merger is an example of a detailed collaborative approach achieving a great outcome for all.” 

When the merger is fully implemented the existing Waverley Golf Club in Bergins Road, Rowville will close and be sold for redevelopment. The club will then consolidate onto the existing Churchill Park site approximately 2.5km away. 

Mr Peter Delaney, Bowls Victoria – Operations Manager commented, “Bowls Victoria has seen the benefits and is supportive of successful amalgamations of bowls and multi-purpose sporting clubs. We commend Churchill Park and Waverley on achieving this milestone and are excited for the opportunity to further grow the sport of bowls in the community, in particular social bowls (adult, barefoot, junior and schools programs).” 

The first step to achieving the final vision will include continuing the current operation of both club facilities during a ‘transition period’. During this period extensive works to upgrade golf courses, bowls greens and clubhouse facilities will be completed at the Churchill Park site. It is anticipated the ‘transition period’ will be in the order of three to five years. A limited number of memberships in the new club are currently available in addition to the opportunity for the public and the community to enjoy the club and its facilities. 

Both presidents expressed great appreciation to the members, club general managers, staff and boards from both clubs for the significant amount of work and positive energy that has contributed to this milestone and would like to thank Parks Victoria, City of Casey, City of Knox, Golf Victoria and Bowls Victoria for their encouragement, support and assistance. 

Churchill – Waverley Golf and Bowls Club looks forward to continuing to work collaboratively with our partners to deliver positive outcomes for the community.