Date: April 10, 2015

Close Finish At Box Hill

The Box Hill Senior Amateur was contested this morning in perfect golfing conditions,  under a brilliant sunshine for its second year on the Victorian Senior events calendar.

Taking top honours in the gross section today was Jeff Hasthorpe from Trafalgar Golf Club  with a three over 74. Closely behind Jeff was Andrew Hansen from Eastern Golf Club, shooting 75, only one shot clear of third place, Brian Lynch from Medway Golf Club. Gordon Brooker from Golf Access Club clinched the nett prize after carding 68 off a handicap of 15 to finish only one shot ahead of Trafalgar’s John Hoare, Box Hill’s Mario Valenti and Bobby Smith in a 3 way countback all on Nett .

This year saw the first ladies’ event, with a small but quality field of 9 competitors. In the Stableford division the  local ladies made a clean sweep, Heather Barwick coming out victorious with a score of 34 points, 2 ahead of Jenny Long on 32 points. In the Scratch Stableford division, Heather Harley was a standout winner with a fantastic 23 points, a fair way ahead of the rest of the field, with Lorraine Argall coming second on 9 points.  

Click Here for full Men’s results
Click Here for full Ladie’s results