Date: March 21, 2017
Author: Paul Vardy

Club health check: Review your club

Clubs all over the country are undertaking the club health check tool.  It’s a chance to gather two or more club leaders (such as GM, President/Captain/Treasurer/Committee) for around 20-30 minutes to answer the questions that relate to; vision & mission, governance, culture & leadership and decision making.

The questions generate good conversations allowing participants to look at their club with a fresh perspective. Developed by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and with resources aligned with the club support portal, the answers generate an instant report with suggested actions that appears on your email, allow you to consider the recommendations with your committee.

The report is not designed to be critical of a club and the people who put in the work to run the club.  It can be undertaken annually as a means of benchmarking progress on a number of areas.  

Give it a go!

Time to take the Club Health Check