Date: February 07, 2014

College Blog: Ruben Sonjaja

Ruben Sondjaja has returned to his Iowa State University Men&aposs &aposCyclones&apos Golf Team in the U.S. after a Christmas break in Australia. The Iowa State University signed Ruben in 2013. He is now studying Sports Management while minoring in Business to complete a four-year University Degree. In his blog Ruben discusses his upcoming schedule with the Cyclones. They will be holding eight tournaments, followed by the NCAA Regional and National Championships. Ruben said: “Classified as a &aposNorthern School&apos, many people despise our ability to improve our golf throughout the winter. Initially skeptical, I now understand how the weather is beneficial for golf development.” To read more or follow Ruben&aposs Blog [Click Here]. To visit the Iowa State University Men&aposs Cyclones Golf Team visit: