Date: December 09, 2013

Daily Handicap Look-up Charts for Clubs Now Available

Dear All,

The new Daily Handicap Look-up Chart functionality has now been released on the GA website (  These easy-to-use reference charts will enable a golfer to see what Daily Handicap they will be playing off at a set of tees at your course.  All clubs are strongly encouraged to publish Daily Handicap Look-up Charts for the use of golfers.

Points to note around this functionality are as follows:

  • It is available from the following webpage –
  • The Word version of the Look-up Chart may be printed in A4 size, or A3 size, etc, as a club wishes.
  • This new functionality will enable clubs to easily produce new Daily Handicap Look-up Charts in the event a Slope Rating (or Scratch Rating) is permanently changed, or if temporary ratings are installed for a limited period of time.   
  •  For clubs that don’t have access to colour printers and who would like colour print-outs of their Daily Handicap Look-up Charts, please contact your State Association or the GA office and we will be happy to print your charts in colour and send them to you by post
  • If a club wishes to do so, it will be fine for them to copy and paste into another document the information from the GA Daily Handicap Look-up Charts
  • There will be a terrific Daily Handicap calculator function available on the GOLF Link website ( from 23 January.  This will be a new feature on each player’s handicap record page.  It will be simple to use and it will enable a player to very quickly determine what their Daily Handicap will be for any Slope Rating.


We trust this new feature on the GA website will be helpful to you.

For clubs who have not already used the Interactive Check-list on, we would encourage you to have a look at this at your earliest convenience.