View Daily Handicap Look-up Chart
The new Daily Handicap Look-up Chart functionality has now been released. These easy-to-use reference charts will enable a golfer to see what Daily Handicap they will be playing off at a set of tees at your course. All clubs are strongly encouraged to publish Daily Handicap Look-up Charts for the use of golfers. Points to note around this functionality are as follows: It is available from the following webpage – The Word version of the Look-up Chart may be printed in A4 size, or A3 size, etc, as a club wishes. This new functionality will enable clubs to easily produce new Daily Handicap Look-up Charts in the event a Slope Rating (or Scratch Rating) is permanently changed, or if temporary ratings are installed for a limited period of time. For clubs that don t have access to colour printers and who would like colour print-outs of their Daily Handicap Look-up Charts, please contact your State Association or the GA office and we will be happy to print your charts in colour and send them to you by post. If a club wishes to do so, it will be fine for them to copy and paste into another document the information from the GA Daily Handicap Look-up Charts. There will be a terrific Daily Handicap calculator function available on the GOLF Link website ( from 23 January. This will be a new feature on each player s handicap record page. It will be simple to use and it will enable a player to very quickly determine what their Daily Handicap will be for any Slope Rating. We trust this new feature on the GA website will be helpful to you.