John Daly has returned to Coolum for the Australian PGA Championship six-years after notoriously hurling his putter into the lake next to the 18th hole. Daly made a second round exit from the 2002 PGA and promptly threw his club and ball into the water before leaving the course without signing his scorecard. The larger than life American was back on the course on Monday, putter in hand once more in an attempt to solve a &aposfrustrating&apos poor run of form with his short game. “Me and my caddy [sic] sat out there on the putting green for about two or three hours yesterday, trying to do grips, trying to get my posture a little more up, trying everything possible and nothing feels right,” Daly lamented. “The putting has been an ongoing battle for quite a while, in Hong Kong I made a lot of the putts I needed to make, but I really didn&apost make anything outside of the eight foot like most of the guys do.” “I use to be a really good putter, I was always a streaky putter, I&aposd always kind of make a 25-footer or a 15, 20, 30-footer to keep the round going and I haven&apost been doing that.” “It&aposs very frustrating, when you&aposre hitting the ball pretty good and hitting quite a few fairways, plus hitting greens, it really is frustrating.” Daly said he could not find a fault in his technique. “I&aposm working my butt off on it,” he said. “It&aposs amazing when I am with the coach and I putt, I make everything, he goes &aposthere&aposs nothing wrong, there&aposs nothing wrong, I don&apost see anything wrong&apos.” “He says there&aposs nothing wrong with your putting, nothing wrong with your stroke, your head is still, your eyes are perfectly over the ball, he looks to see if I&aposm decelerating, I&aposm not.” “I think it&aposs just one of those slumps where nothing is going in if I put the time and work into it, maybe they will start falling in, I hope.” The Hyatt Regency had a scuba diver collect Daly&aposs putter from 2002 and it now sits framed on the wall of a bar at the resort. The two-time Major winner wanted to talk golf during his press conference on Tuesday, stating only that he had not seen the putter and that he felt &apospoorly&apos about his last performance in Coolum. Daly came to Australian shores in an effort to warm-up for the European circuit, but was slated to miss next week&aposs Australian Open in Sydney due to a commitment in the United States. The 42-year-old will now play in that tournament, but was setting realistic expectations for the next two weeks. “(A win) would mean an awful lot to me, granted my record in Australia hasn&apost been real well, and I would love to come out and just play really well.” “Just having an opportunity to have a chance to win would be great, if it happens, it happens, but it would be nice just to be in contention.” Daly&aposs world ranking slipped as low as 788th recently, but he feels his game is improving. “I feel good about hitting it, I&aposm hitting the ball real well.” “It&aposs amazing I had 37 putts Friday at Huntingdale which means my ball striking is good, I just hit some really, really poor putts.” “It just comes down to working hard at it.” “Working a lot harder than I have in the past and hopefully that will get me there.”