Date: August 26, 2019
Author: Monica Dinh

Data consolidation update

Strategic plan link: "Establish a national CRM platform"

Over the past 4 months, the support provided to develop the Data and Campaign role at GA has been fantastic.  It has helped me understand the methods used by fellow colleagues in the management of the customer data and its challenges.   Key milestones so far:

  • Mailchimp management & handicap registration db review                          May 2019
  • Commercial campaign for 86K handicap registrant                                            May 2019
  • Development of analytics in BI Tool to support analytics request                May 2019
  • Ingestion of 114K handicap registration into Mailchimp                                   June 2019
  • Database mapping & review of state body Data (VIC, SA, QLD, NT, TAS)   July 2019
  • National consolidation of clubs database works commencement                August 2019

Data Consolidation

Over 150 list exists within the GA ecosystem as at April 2019.  Majority of the data was housed in lists within Mailchimp, CMS and the Handicap registration.  Initial works showed that these three major list repositories combined suggested a total of 325K unique records.  Consolidation of these major lists has been gradual and we have now consolidated 169K.  In addition, a side project of bringing all the club contacts together into a centralised view has commenced which will be vital to the management of communication of affiliation fees but also support projects that require access to club contacts.

Customer Engagement Platform (CEP)

The CEP refers to the platform that will enable the business to view all contacts that are currently engaged with Golf Australia through various development programs, marketing, communication, handicap registration, clubs, events, competition etc.  The platform will prioritise customers by ensuring that the CEP is the single point from where we view, edit, collect, segment, communicate, market and manage communication preferences of our customers.  Key dates are as follows:

  • CEP requirement documentation commencement                                            July 2019 (C)
  • CEP requirement documentation draft completion                                           August 2019
  • CEP requirement presentation to GMs                                                                   mid-Sept 2019
  • CEP appointment and development schedule                                                     October 2019
  • CEP development to completion                                                                               Nov. 2019 – April 2020