Date: September 23, 2014
Author: Office of the Children�s Guardian

Do you work or volunteer in junior sport?

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Do you need to get a new Working With Children Check?

Every year, more than half a million children across NSW participate in sport with the support of many thousands of dedicated volunteers and paid staff.

People who work or volunteer in the sport and recreation sector are being phased into the new Working with Children Check (WWCC) system in NSW from April 2015.

To help this sector prepare for the phase in process, the Office of the Children’s Guardian is running a series of information sessions across regional New South Wales.

Local sports organisations and clubs, paid workers, volunteers and self-employed people involved in junior sport and recreation activities are encouraged to attend the free WWCC information sessions.

The training will cover:

“A new Working With Children Check has started in NSW and employers, including sports clubs and associations, volunteers and employees need to understand what they have to do to comply with the legislation,” said NSW Children's Guardian Ms Kerryn Boland.

“This is a great opportunity to find out what is required for the sports sector you are involved with.

“It’s also an opportunity to have your questions answered by representatives of our Child Safe Organisations team.”

Information and resources including a sports specific brochure have been developed and are available at the website of the Office of the Children’s Guardian on the link below.

To find out more and to register for your local information session go to:–training-and-events/child-safe-sports

or contact the Office of the Children’s Guardian on (02) 9286 7219.