Step 1. Get Classified
Golfers with a Physical Impairment – Classification
All endorsed events for the GA and EDGA ranking for golfers with disability require golfers to be classified under the GA and EDGA definitions of impairments.
To gain a GA / EDGA pass for approved events, golfers will need to complete and return an application signed by a medical practitioner / physiotherapist.
EDGA Classification Documentation
Definitions of Impairment GA / EDGA Application for Access Pass
Golfers with an Intellectual Disability – Classification
For athletes with an Intellectual disability, INAS are the world classification body completing assesment forms.
Athletes will need to complete the INAS Application form along with the Training History and Sport Activity Limitations Questionnaire (TSAL)
INAS Classification Documentation
Training History and Sport Activity Limitations Questionnaire
Completed EDGA/INAS applications can be sent to;
Step 2. Play GA & EDGA Approved Events
Click Here for a list of Golf Australia / European Disabled Golf Association Events
Step 3. WR4GD Rankings for Golfers with a Disability
Players who participate in GA & EDGA approved events will be ranked in the EDGA Rankings for Golfers with a Disability, a ranking system shared by 28 national governing bodies of golf all over the world.
The rankings have gross, nett and stableford categories.
Link to player rankings can be found here