Date: November 12, 2015
Author: Golf Australia

Get involved in Swing Fit

Want to get involved in an exciting, world-first women’s only golf participation program?

Swing Fit, Australia’s national program to encourage female participation in golf, is here – and there’s never been anything quite like it.

Don’t think that Swing Fit is just a traditional golf lesson or clinic –it’s not. Swing Fit is all about game-based learning, with a mix of simple yoga and Pilates-style exercises. Think lots of fun and socializing!

Interested in running Swing Fit?

Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia have joined forces to develop a dynamic online training module that will enable both PGA members and Community Instructors across the country to receive training.

So, from Sydney to Alice Springs and up to Karratha, in fact, anywhere else in between, regardless of whether you’re a nurse, yoga instructor, PGA member or policeman, if you’re interested in introducing more women to golf, find out how to become involved by visiting the ‘Centres’ section of

Interested in participating in Swing Fit?

Swing Fit has been developed based on ‘what women want’, A mix of learning basic golf skills whilst enjoying health and fitness benefits, all in a relaxed and social environment.

Programs, including come-and-try events, are already up and running, so visit to learn more and find a program that suits you.