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Golf Access Australia Members’ Page

Check here regularly for information on events etc Notice for newly-enrolled members of Golf Access Australia Golfers who have recently joined Golf Access Australia are advised to check with their home centre as to when their details have been uploaded to GOLF Link. Once the home centre has completed the enrolment process, a GOLF Link number will be automatically generated for the new member. This number can be used when entering competitions and to check handicap records at www.golflink.com.au until the GOLF Link swipe card is issued. The membership kit consisting of the GOLF Link swipe card and other information, should arrive within 3-4 weeks of registration. Events Visit the brand new website at http://www.socialgolfcc.com.au or by clicking here. The Golf Australia Club Directory enables you to search for clubs which have registered that they welcome GAA members into open competitions. Click here to search the directory. Other clubs also run such competitions – it is recommended that you contact clubs directly to enquire about availability. Bushranger Golf runs regular events that welcome members of Golf Access Australia. Insurance For details of the Player Insurance policies provided as part of your Golf Access membership fee,click here. The policies are for player liability, player injury and player equipment.