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Author: Mitsie & Rod

Golf Access NSW

Golf Access Australia (GAA), a joint initiative of the Australian Golf Union and the Australian Sports Commission, was launched in Melbourne on 24 July, 2004 at the PGA Golf Show by the Minister for the Arts and Sport, Senator Rod Kemp. GAA has two general aims:

  • To provide an opportunity for social golfers to participate more fully in golf competitions with a view to establishing a pathway to joining a Golf Club.
  • To assist and support golf clubs through a variety of nationally coordinated club development initiatives.
Are you a social player looking to gain a golf handicap? Social golfers joining GAA receive the following benefits:
  • An Australian golf handicap, administered through GOLF Link, giving access to various golf competitions and providing a monitor of progress
  • GA&aposs Personal Insurance Plan (PIP) which includes cover for loss and damage of clubs, personal liability and personal accident insurance.
  • Conditions Apply

→ About Golf Access → Member Information → Register your interest


Warringah Golf Club Golf Access Centre 397 Condamine Street, North Manly NSW 2100 Contact: Donna See Hoe Phone: 02 9905 4709 Fax: 02 9905 4756 Email: d.seehoe@warringahgolfclub.com.au To become a Golf Access Centre email: Golf NSW or call 9505 9105.