Date: January 01, 2018

Golf Australia Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure



The current version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure came into effect on 1 February 2018.  This version replaces all previous versions.

The GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure applies to all participants in events conducted under the auspices of Golf Australia. A ‘participant’ in a GA Event is someone who has engaged with that Event as any of the following: a competitor, a caddie (as defined in the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited), a family member or friend or supporter or associate of a competitor or caddie, a non-playing captain or manager, a team official or support official, a spectator, a person who comments digitally or otherwise in a public domain on an Event or on another Participant of an Event, and anyone else considered by GA at its absolute discretion to be a Participant.

Click here to view the Condensed Version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure (the Condensed Version will serve as a useful summary of the Complete Version).

Click here to view the Complete Version of the GA Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure (the Complete Version contains the full technical detail of the Code and the Disciplinary Procedure).

Please direct any queries to Golf Australia at