One of our key partners, MFS Limited ( MFS ), has committed to Australian golf for the long term across a variety of levels, including the Australian Opens and the Senior and Mid-Amateur national championships for men and women and broad based grassroots participation events. This partnership, along with our other strategic alliances, has seen the jewel in our crown, the 2006 MFS Australian Open, enjoy bigger crowds, higher exposure and ratings than any previous golf championship held in this country. Importantly, MFS Investment Management Limited ( MFSIM ) has a range of investment products that may help Australia s golf clubs and their members achieve their financial aspirations. Information about these products has recently been mailed to clubs, and will be mailed to a mixture of club members. The products are available to the public generally. As a golfer, this information may be of interest to you and we encourage you to view the Fund at a Glance brochures issued by MFSIM for further details. Product Disclosure Statements are available by calling 131-MFS (131-637) or from This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any investment decision you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, and if necessary consult your financial adviser. We note that Golf Australia is not involved in the operation of any of the MFSIM funds. Further, Golf Australia has not been involved in the preparation of any of the Product Disclosure Statements or brochures. Golf Australia does not receive any benefits in respect of, or attributable to, the MFSIM funds, other than our sponsorship arrangements with MFS. MFSIM (ABN 20 101 634 146) is the Responsible Entity and issuer of interests in the MFS Premium Income Fund (ARSN 090 687 577), MFS Cash Enhanced Fund (ARSN 118 285 760) and MFS Dynamic Growth Equity Fund (ARSN 121 833 092). MFSIM holds AFSL No 246 553 and is a subsidiary of MFS Limited (ABN 90 107 863 436).