Golf Australia has recently fielded numerous queries regarding a concept known as Golf Cash (formerly known as PuttFor $$$). The Golf Cash model has been reviewed by Golf Australia and The R&A with both organisations determining it breaches the Rules of Amateur Status. As a result, any amateurs participating in Golf Cash will run the risk of jeopardising their Amateur Status. Golf Australia approached The R&A and asked it to consider whether the concept made available on the Golf Cash website breached the Rules of Amateur Status. Having reviewed the website and the Golf Cash concept, The R&A determined that players entering into Pots on the Golf Cash website would be jeopardising their Amateur Status. Previously, Golf Cash has summarised its concept as follows: [It is] the only club in the world where you can have a friendly golf bet on yourself, playing at your golf course against other golfers Australia wide who are also members of Golf Cash playing at their golf courses. You bet other players you&aposll beat them by entering “Pots”. Play in your home golf club competition and enter your score with us. If the concept offered on the Golf Cash website is sufficiently modified so that it does not breach the Rules of Amateur Status, Golf Australia would have no objection to it. Simon Magdulski, Manager of Rules & Handicapping at Golf Australia said: Forfeiting Amateur Status is a player&aposs choice and we strongly encourage many of our elite players to go down this path when they are ready. However there is great concern that those who participate in the Golf Cash concept may do so without properly understanding the consequences. “The player and the long-term interests of the game have to be the paramount considerations,” Magdulski continued. The R&A determination states: With reference to the Policy on Gambling contained within the Rules of Amateur Status, there is no objection to informal gambling or wagering among individual golfers or teams of golfers when it is incidental to the game. The fundamental principle of amateur golf is that an Amateur Golfer is one who plays the game as a non-remunerative and non-profit-making sport. The R&A has concluded that the Golf Cash website is contrary to this fundamental principle as follows: 1. The gambling is organised by Golf Cashand as a result, is not an informal wager that is incidental to the game. The website is designed to promote the winning of cash from playing golf. 2. While it is possible to identify other participants through the website, generally the participants do not know each other on a personal and private basis. 3. The potential sums of money on offer are considered to be excessive and are not limited. As the primary purpose of Golf Cash is for financial gain there is the potential that this could give rise to the abuse of the Rules both in the play of the game and in the manipulation of handicaps. Consequently, this is detrimental to the integrity of the game and contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Rules (Rule 7-2 of the Rules of Amateur Status).