Date: November 02, 2014

Golf Computer Systems

ter Systems. Any views or assessments do not necessarily reflect those of Golf Australia.

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Contact details
Tel: 1800 443 654
Intl: +61 2 6188 5470

Postal Address
PO Box 233
4000 Australia

Email Support

Click Here to view how Golf Computer Systems will handle each item on the interactive checklist for the new GA Handicap System.

Membership Management
• member accounts, reporting, emailing, member cards

Online Membership
• member details for editing, member accounts online, account payments

Handicapping, Competition and Tournament Management
• GOLFLink accredited, Web Services, scorecard printing

Player Kiosks
• touch screen kiosks for bookings, score entry, prize review…

Electronic Score Cards
• eScore touch and optical score entry

Leader Boards
• single and multi-round event leader board displays

Online Results
• Internet leader boards, prize allocation and historic results

Electronic Tee Sheets
• multi course, multi-tee starts, shotguns, stock allocation and billing

Online Tee Sheets
• members bookings, non-member bookings, booking payments

Electronic Payment Solutions
• member accounts, virtual EFTPOS, direct debits, BPay, Web payments

Point of Sale
• extensive F&B and Pro Shop POS solutions

Web Site Development
• Complete or partial site development and content management system