Date: November 14, 2011

Golf day at Bayview raises $20,000

Manly Daily 9 November 2011 The Bayview Golf Club Ladies Committee raised more than $20,000 at their recent annual charity day. Nearly 200 women teed off at the Bayview course for 18 holes and raised money through paying $2 donations for free shots and replays. They were also able to pay a $2 donation to club general manager Nigel Gibson to hit balls over the water at the course s 16th hole. Mr Gibson paid a further $2 donation for every ball that couldn’t be putted after his assistance shot. Donations totalled more than $1000. $12,000 was made through raffles and silent auctions during the following lunch and an anonymous donor also put in $10,000. Money raised will go to the Breast Cancer Institute of Australia and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.