Date: March 22, 2017

Golf Premier League

Golf Premier League is a league-style competition played at golf clubs within a club’s normal competition. Played at clubs of all sizes, it increases profitability, and importantly for players, it creates a ‘team spirit’ dimension within their golf experience.

At participating clubs of all sizes, Golf Premier League is:

• Increasing profitability, with members playing more regularly and spending more time and money in clubhouses

• Reducing membership attrition and attracting new members

• Creating a club atmosphere characterised by camaraderie and enjoyment

• Transcending friendship groups and bridging age, gender and ability gaps across club membership bases

Plus, it’s doing so with no impact on member routines, timesheet bookings or existing competitions, at a low cost and with very little administrative burden on professionals or club managers.

Golf Premier League participants are:

• More motivated and having more fun on the golf course every week

• Discovering a new ‘team spirit’ dimension within their golf experiences – they are no longer playing just for themselves

• Engaged in their golf to the last putt, because every point they score could be the one that gets their team over the line on the day, or even for the season!

• Experiencing ‘pride in the jumper’ and establishing new bonds, friendships and rivalries.

Golf Premier League has been in operation since 2008 and was endorsed by Golf Australia in 2016, with the support all state and territory golf associations.

For more information on Golf Premier League visit