Golf SA hereby calls for Nominations for the Board at its 7th Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 17th October 2015.
Under the Constitution adopted in May 2015 there will be three Board positions due for election.
The following Board Members are due for election/re-election:
- Susan Seja (Current Term Expires)
- David Manning (Current Term Expires)
- Adrian Johnston (Casual Vacancy)
Two of the three positions are required to be filled by females under Clause 10.1 (e).
Nominations for the Board of Golf SA must reach the CEO by 4pm Wednesday 16th Sep 2015.
Should you have any queries about standing for the Board of Golf SA you are encouraged to contact the Chair of the Board – Tony Bourne (tbourne@internode.on.net) or the CEO – Chris Luz-Raymond (chris@golfsa.com.au).
Further details and forms also available HERE