Date: July 31, 2013

Golf Tasmania Governance and Structure Review

The Golf Tasmania (GT) Board has sought to clarify the involvement of and assistance to be provided by Golf Australia (GA) in the conduct of the GT Governance and Structure Review. In the interim the GT Board has considered the attached draft process and also sought expressions of interest from three reputable organisations to carry out the review. On his return from the British Open, GA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Stephen Pitt advised that GA will provide a level of financial support contingent on GA being involved in the process from the first stages. He has requested a preliminary meeting with the GT Board to identify and define issues this meeting will be held next Friday 9 August 2013. Further information will be provided to members following the meeting (by 16 August). Some of the issues already identified by members include: Membership Role/responsibility and functions of clubs/districts/GA Board composition (size and election/appointment) Development pathways Delegates/Elective Council Please provide any additional topics/issues you would like to have included in the review to GT General Manager, Craig French by Thursday 8 August. As previously indicated, there will be a range of formal consultation methods used in the review ensuring as many of the golfing community as possible can provide input. With the confirmed support of Golf Australia, the board and I are still confident that the indicative deadline as proposed as the AGM will be met, and amendments prepared for acceptance at next year s AGM. There will also be regular updates on progress throughout.