Date: July 10, 2014
Author: Golf Tasmania

Golf Tasmania July 2014 Newsletter

There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
There is a lot happening in the junior golf participation
space at the moment. We recently hosted joint
presentations from Golf Australia and the PGA on the
relaunched MyGolf product and how to register your club.
We have also set dates and started taking registrations
for the level one coaching accreditation programs across
each of the three regions. Please also note the recently
announced changes to the laws requiring a number of
employees and volunteers that engage with children as
part of their role to register for a ‘Working with Children’
check commence on October 1 this year and are
compulsory by April 1 2015. You will find more
information on each of these items within this edition.
Also further details is being provided to all of our clubs.
We are also continuing with our planning for Playgolf
Week. We have 27 clubs registered to participate in the
week of events from November 17-23. All of the
registered clubs should now have received their
marketing packs from Golf Australia. This week Golf
Australia have also provided to us their final marketing
plan for the event, we are now reviewing this to
implement our own strategy to compliment the national
plan. In addition to Playgolf Week promotion, we will also
be assisting clubs be facilitating an opportunity to promote
their club through the Active After Schools Community
programs state-wide and we will be hosting a Women’s
Come and Try Day as a launch event in conjunction with
the two southern women’s associations. Finally during
Playgolf week we will be launching a new high school
teams challenge which we intend to run during 2015.
Further details to the Playgolf Week registered clubs
Finally a reminder to our North West Coast colleagues that
the Golf Tasmania Board is holding a forum at the Burnie
Golf Club on September 24. A second forum is being
planned for October 15 in Launceston to be held in
conjunction with the Golf Tasmania North’s AGM, and a
final forum on November 12th in the South. Further details
on the North and South forums will be circulated closer to
the dates.
Craig French
Hi everyone! I hope that you enjoyed our latest offering of 
news bites. Before I launch into my own items, I would 
like to remind all our clubs that we would love to include 
more local news items on our webpage, newsletter and 
Facebook page. Please submit any items of news, no 
matter how big or small to It 
was a case of third time lucky for us and our AGM. After 
two false starts we finally achieved a quorum at Campbell 
Town on June 29. I would like to offer a sincere thanks to 
everyone who attended and contributed to the discussion, 
especially those who had already travelled for the 
previous attempted meeting in May. There were a number 
of items of business passed at the meeting and the Board 
and I will prepare and disseminate further information in 
the near future to the clubs. We welcome new Board 
members John Milbourne and Mark Jones to the Board 
and I also congratulate Georgette Chilcott for her 
renomination and appointment. Andrew Hill decided not 
to re-stand this year when his term expired, I will miss his 
level head and big picture thinking. Paul Beard has 
resigned his position on the Board and I would like to 
thank and acknowledge his support and passionate 
contribution, in particular since I commenced in 2012. 
The much talked about MYGolf Relaunch has arrived and 
all clubs and PGA members have been invited to 
presentations in the South and North on July14 and 15. 
National coordinators from Golf Australia and the PGA will 
be on hand to present and answer all your questions on 
the junior participation product. The new website has 
also gone live National Golf week 
(Nov 17-23) is another topic we have been talking about 
for some time. It is fantastic that 26 Tasmanian golf clubs 
that have registered to be involved, that is almost 3 times 
the number Golf Australia set us for a target. Further 
communications from Golf Australia direct to those clubs 
will be sent shortly. Well done to all of those clubs, I look 
forward hearing what you all have planned for the week 
and beyond. Keep your eye on The 
National Club Support and Development Program is also 
continuing to move forward and still set to be launched 
later this year. In the meantime there are already a 
number of useful tools available for clubs and committees, 
we have shared a number of these on past newsletters.
Fun golfing everyone.

Hi everyone! I hope that you enjoyed our latest offering of 
news bites. Before I launch into my own items, I would 
like to remind all our clubs that we would love to include 
more local news items on our webpage, newsletter and 
Facebook page. Please submit any items of news, no 
matter how big or small to It 
was a case of third time lucky for us and our AGM. After 
two false starts we finally achieved a quorum at Campbell 
Town on June 29. I would like to offer a sincere thanks to 
everyone who attended and contributed to the discussion, 
especially those who had already travelled for the 
previous attempted meeting in May. There were a number 
of items of business passed at the meeting and the Board 
and I will prepare and disseminate further information in 
the near future to the clubs. We welcome new Board 
members John Milbourne and Mark Jones to the Board 
and I also congratulate Georgette Chilcott for her 
renomination and appointment. Andrew Hill decided not 
to re-stand this year when his term expired, I will miss his 
level head and big picture thinking. Paul Beard has 
resigned his position on the Board and I would like to 
thank and acknowledge his support and passionate 
contribution, in particular since I commenced in 2012. 
The much talked about MYGolf Relaunch has arrived and 
all clubs and PGA members have been invited to 
presentations in the South and North on July14 and 15. 
National coordinators from Golf Australia and the PGA will 
be on hand to present and answer all your questions on 
the junior participation product. The new website has 
also gone live National Golf week 
(Nov 17-23) is another topic we have been talking about 
for some time. It is fantastic that 26 Tasmanian golf clubs 
that have registered to be involved, that is almost 3 times 
the number Golf Australia set us for a target. Further 
communications from Golf Australia direct to those clubs 
will be sent shortly. Well done to all of those clubs, I look 
forward hearing what you all have planned for the week 
and beyond. Keep your eye on The 
National Club Support and Development Program is also 
continuing to move forward and still set to be launched 
later this year. In the meantime there are already a 
number of useful tools available for clubs and committees, 
we have shared a number of these on past newsletters.
Fun golfing everyone.

Read the full newsletter