Date: March 31, 2017
Author: Golf Tasmania

Golf Tasmania Newsletter – April 2017

During the last three month’s the Board has welcomed Trevor Cordwell as an appointed Director with the portfolio of Board Secretary.  We look forward to working with Trevor, he has a wealth of experience not only on a variety of Boards but also other golfing organisations. Golf Tasmania will now consist of a board of seven, allowing other Directors to focus on their portfolios.

A source of angst for some clubs expressed at last year’s regional forums was the placing of fixtures on the Golf Tasmania calendar that collided with other events.  Historically Golf Australia announces it’s fixtures first, then Golf Tasmania, Associations next, then clubs.  The fixtures program is on the Golf Tasmania website, to avoid conflicting dates please check the fixtures prior to scheduling, or contact Stuart Eaton.  Obviously, the vagaries of weather mean change sometimes need to be made at short notice but this only occurs when absolutely necessary.

It has been necessary for Board members to update the Strategic Plan due to our involvement in Onegolf.  This process will be completed within the next two months.  A recently completed skills audit report suggested the Board requires better technology and it was very pleasing to hear that Golf Australia will fund hardware and software for each Board member to improve our efficiency.  These new computers will remain part of Golf Tasmania inventory as Directors’ change.

We have been able to increase the daily allowance paid to representative golfers and we intend to invite the senior state team captains to the Board meetings held in their respective regions, later in the year to provide feedback as regards high performance golf in Tasmania.

Board resolutions for the last six months are now on our website.

Regional feedback forums will be held during the winter months following the Board meeting in each region.  Rules forums will also be scheduled.  The AGM is scheduled for September 24.

Simon Weston has been able to increase the number of Community Coaches available to clubs to run Mygolf and Swingfit programs, and to assist with the running of Playgolf month.  There is now ample opportunity for all clubs, metropolitan and regional, to offer these opportunities to existing and new members.  Once again Golf Tasmania will fund clubs to run programs during Playgolf month, the weather has to be better than last year! Read more from Simon.

Enjoyable golfing to all.

Tony Bush