Date: February 28, 2018
Author: MyGolf

Golphin Equipment Launch


Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.

GolPhin equipment will be available for purchase through the MyGolf shop by MyGolf centres and schools from March 1. Pricing will remain in line with previous equipment, and it is also important to note that conventional golf equipment will still be available for purchase as in previous years.

GolPhin clubs offer several advantages over traditional junior clubs:

  • They are 22% lighter, making them easier for kids to swing and maintain balance
  • The sweet spot is 35% larger, as part of an oversized club face,which makes it easier to connect with the ball and hit good shots.
  • The radial sole profile provides more forgiveness and reduces resistance at impact for better contact
  • High-flight grooves generate more spin to get the ball airborne quickly and flying higher.

GolPhin clubs have been recognised for their design innovation and ease of use, and were recognised as Golf Digest’s best junior clubs in both 2016 and 2017. The clubs were used in junior coaching at The Open Championship from 2014-16 and are used exclusively at David Leadbetter Golf Academies throughout the world.

From Wednesday, February 28, it is also important to note that there will no longer be a login required to access the MyGolf shop at, except to purchase individual items. Through this, we aim to reduce the amount of lost logins and account resets that have been encountered.

It is also important to note that regular-size equipment will still be available for purchase into the future, although the default MyGolf participant pack and School and Club Kit configuration will include GolPhin clubs.

As a reminder to all MyGolf centres and deliverers, from 1 July 2017, the $7 participant fee,which previously went towards the school equipment rebate, will now be fully covered by the MyGolf program. This means that the MyGolf program is now effectively free for all Australian golf clubs and facilities.

For more information,please contact theMyGolf team on (03) 9626 5000 or



Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolfAustraliaandthePGA ofAustralia are delightedto announceGolPhin asthenewequipmentpartneroftheMyGolfprogram fromMarch2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.

GolPhin,basedinScotland,designsandmanufacturesinnovative golfclubsand learningmaterialsthathelpkidsaged3-12enjoygolf fromtheirveryfirst swing,andinspirethem tokeepplaying.

GolPhinequipment will be availableforpurchase throughtheMyGolfshopby MyGolfcentresandschools fromMarch1.Pricingwill remain in line with previousequipment, and itisalso important to notethat conventional golfequipmentwill still be availableforpurchaseas in previousyears.

GolPhinclubs offer severaladvantagesover traditional junior clubs:


  • Theyare22% lighter, making themeasierforkidstoswingandmaintainbalanceThesweetspot is35%larger, as part ofanoversized club face,which makesiteasiertoconnectwith the balland hitgood shots
  • Theradial soleprofile providesmoreforgiveness andreducesresistanceatimpactforbetter contact
  • High-flightgroovesgeneratemorespintogetthe ball airbornequicklyandflyinghigher


GolPhinclubs have beenrecognisedfortheirdesigninnovation and easeofuse,andwererecognised asGolfDigest’sbest junior clubsinboth2016and 2017. Theclubswereused injuniorcoaching atTheOpen Championship from 2014-16 andareused exclusively atDavidLeadbetter GolfAcademies throughout theworld.

FromWednesday, February 28,it isalsoimportant to notethat there will no longerbea loginrequiredto accesstheMyGolfshop, except to purchase individualitems. Throughthis, we aimtoreducethe amountoflost logins andaccount resetsthat havebeen encountered.

Itisalso important tonote that regular-size equipment will still be availableforpurchase intothefuture, althoughthedefaultMyGolfparticipant packand School and Club Kitconfigurationwill include GolPhin clubs.

Asareminder toall MyGolfcentresand deliverers,from1July2017, the$7 participant fee,which previouslywenttowardsthe schoolequipment rebate,will nowbefullycovered bytheMyGolfprogram.Thismeans that the MyGolfprogram isnoweffectivelyfreeforallAustraliangolfclubsandfacilities.

For moreinformation,please contact theMyGolfteam on(03) 9626 5000or

GolPhin equipment will be available for purchase through the MyGolf shop by MyGolf centres and schools from March 1. Pricing will remain in line with previous equipment, and it is also important to note that conventional golf equipment will still be available for purchase as in previous years.

Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia are delighted to announce GolPhin as the new equipment partner of the MyGolf program from March 2018.

GolPhin, based in Scotland, designs and manufactures innovative golf clubs and learning materials that help kids aged 3-12 enjoy golf from their very first swing, and inspire them to keep playing.