Date: April 04, 2018
Author: Golf Victoria

Green and Francis take home Kooringal titles

A beautiful Autumn’s day greeted players this morning at the Golf Victoria Junior tournament held at Kooringal Golf Club. Sunny skies and calm winds made for perfecting golfing conditions for the 76-strong field.

After being edged out on a count-back to Blair Christie in this event back in 2017, Max Green had his revenge today by taking home top honours in the boy’s section. A solid round of two under-par 69 from the Commonwealth member was good enough to notch out Nathan Page on a count-back. 

Huntingdale’s Trinity Francis proved too strong for the girl’s title with a one-shot victory over Kay Bannan. 14-year old Francis fired a solid one over-par 75 with nines of 38 and 37 for the win. Francis not only walked away victorious in the gross section, but she also cleaned up in Division A bettering her handicap by an impressive 4 shots. 

Ben Wood from Northern shot 68 from his 12 handicap for top spot in the B Division sector. Meanwhile it was an all-girls party in the C Division with first, second and third all being awarded to girls. In the end there can only be one winner and it was young Zara Shinn-Mahony that finished on the top of the leaderboard with 41 stableford points. 

Final results