Date: October 22, 2013

GV & SSV Formalise Partnership

Golf Victoria & School Sport Victoria sign partnernership agreement 


Golf Victoria and School Sport Victoria (SSV) have signed a partnership agreement to formalise the relationship between the two associations.

Key elements of the agreement include:

  • Victorian Golf Foundation subsidising Team Vic teams annually at $8,000 (24 players x $250 subsidy = $6,000) plus 2 x $1,000 scholarships annually
  • Providing a co-logoed jumper for each Team Vic player
  • Continue to deliver the Primary Golf event on behalf of SSV –over 60 courses secured for qualifying events annually
  • Use the annual team’s event at the prestigious Metropolitan GC as one part of the Secondary trials process. SSV will use its state championship as the other stage of the selection process 
  • Continuing to source venues for the SSV Junior / Senior events

Further information on the agreement is available from Ben Sweeney Junior Development Manager Golf Victoria.