The Hamilton Fire Brigade Golf Day will be played at the Parklands Golf Club in Hamilton on Sunday 22 June 2014. All funds raised will go towards facility improvements and storage of essential fire equipment at the Local Station.
Established in 1870, the Hamilton Fire Brigade is a fully volunteer Fire Brigade that is part of the Country Fire Authority. The Brigade is one of over 1200 volunteer fire units involving about 58,000 fully fledged volunteer firefighters across the state.
The principle sponsor in Ultracut will support a four person ambrose event with men, women and mixed combinations. The $60 team entry fee includes a BBQ lunch and additional prizes for the longest drive, nearest pin and straightest drive.
Expressions of interest and entries should be directed to Peter Wall on 0400 669 336 prior to Friday 13 June.
Please click here for a flyer containing information on the event.