Date: July 28, 2017
Author: Dave Tease

How Hannah handled Houston

16-year-old Hannah Park has just finished taking part in her first Golf Australia High-Performance camp in Houston, Texas.

Park wasn’t sure what to expect at her first High-Performance Camp, but the 16-year old has come away invigorated by the experience.

“This was my first time at the Golf Australia national camp; it was an incredible experience.” She smiled.

“I learnt heaps about myself and a lot of things I can improve on to become a better golfer.”

Park was one of about 30 Athletes who attended the camp over the last ten or so days at the Woodlands resort, including a 10-strong contingent from NSW.

“It’s perfect for them to catch up with all their coaches, get their bodies back in shape with some physio as well as strength and conditioning, we even do some Biomechanics,” Dean Kinney, Golf NSW National Coach said.

The camp, which has been running now for seven years, sees players come and go over its 10-day duration according to their playing schedules. The feedback from those that use the facility has been positive.

“The athletes love it, and they feel it prepares them well for the Western Amateur and the US Amateur coming up in the next two weeks,” Kinney said.

Not only does the camp cater for HP athletes, but plenty of tour players make use of the facility while it is in town.

“We have PGA Tour players,, Rookie Squad members, US-based Aussie college golfers. We even have some New Zealand and Argentinian players attend,” Kinney added.

For Park, though, one memory of the camp she won’t forget in a hurry where the cool down sessions.

“The best part of the camp was the cool down session which I had to do it every day; It was an ice bath followed by a hot spa.”

“ It gives you quite a shock at first, but you feel good at the end,” She smiled.