Date: April 11, 2016
Author: Dave Tease, Golf NSW

Howlong helping Culcairn grow

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The members of Culcairn Golf Club are beaming with pride at the sight of the new grass verges that have appeared around the Murray District Club’s sand greens.

The new verges have been grown in from clippings supplied from their Big Buddy Club, Howlong Country Golf Club, and with some expertise from Howlong’s Course Superintendent Paul Irvine.

“We’ve got a good coverage already. Paul made a visit to advise us and the result has been excellent,” Stuart Lowe President of Culcairn Golf Club said.

Culcairn Golf Club was paired with Howlong Golf Club in the Golf NSW Buddy Club initiative that is designed to help smaller clubs benefit from the expertise of the State's larger clubs.

“The Buddy Club Program is a wonderful initiative by Golf NSW and has proven to be a great support for our small club,” Mr Lowe said. "Our relationship with Howlong has been a real success.”

Culcairn has also benefitted from its relationship with Howlong in a number of other ways too.

Ken Walton Howlong’s Club President supported Culcairn’s grant application for funds to be connected to recycled water for irrigation on the golf course, a grant they are hopeful of receiving.

Howlong have also donated a prize for the Culcairn Ladies Tournament which will be conducted on April 20, A night’s accommodation and unlimited golf at the Country Club. They intend to donate the same prize for the Men’s Tournament in August as well.

“We hope to build our relationship with them throughout this year and we look forward to it continuing in years to come,” Mr Lowe said.